@article{emmenegger_lag3_2021, title = {{LAG}3 is not expressed in human and murine neurons and does not modulate α‐synucleinopathies}, volume = {13}, issn = {1757-4676, 1757-4684}, url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.15252/emmm.202114745}, doi = {10.15252/emmm.202114745}, number = {9}, journaltitle = {{EMBO} Molecular Medicine}, shortjournal = {{EMBO} Mol Med}, author = {Emmenegger, Marc and De Cecco, Elena and Hruska‐Plochan, Marian and Eninger, Timo and Schneider, Matthias M and Barth, Melanie and Tantardini, Elena and de Rossi, Pierre and Bacioglu, Mehtap and Langston, Rebekah G and Kaganovich, Alice and Bengoa‐Vergniory, Nora and Gonzalez‐Guerra, Andrès and Avar, Merve and Heinzer, Daniel and Reimann, Regina and Häsler, Lisa M and Herling, Therese W and Matharu, Naunehal S and Landeck, Natalie and Luk, Kelvin and Melki, Ronald and Kahle, Philipp J and Hornemann, Simone and Knowles, Tuomas P J and Cookson, Mark R and Polymenidou, Magdalini and Jucker, Mathias and Aguzzi, Adriano}, urldate = {2022-02-09}, date = {2021-09-07}, langid = {english}, keywords = {peer-reviewed}, }